brendan joseph

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Reduce, Repurpose, Re-use, Return, Renew.

If you already have a piece I’ve made…

If you already have a piece I’ve made but aren’t wearing it and would like something new, this is my little effort to make Brendan Joseph a circular economy business. You’ll receive credit covering the cost of materials of your piece (no matter what its condition) to spend on any of my current work. Your piece will be renewed & restored, ready for a new custodian.

I'm working on a project for Brendan Joseph that's been orbiting my mind since I began. My new ReturnAndRenew program is about creating a deeper connection between what inspires me and how I share that with you. I love seeing you wear work I made many years ago, pieces you've safeguarded all these years. I also love seeing you discover something new. I wondered how to create a program that would let us bring that past work to someone new, buying it back and selling it forward. Not producing NEW when OLD will do. I want to celebrate the preciousness and longevity of the work by repairing it, renewing it, reselling it, or up-cycling it, if necessary.

Recently I heard how EILEEN FISHER, INC. have been doing this for a decade, making new things made long ago, and it gave me the confidence to do this now. 10 years ago I worked on the launch of a new iPhone, but somehow never applied my concept to my own work. What this means in practice is that when you send back your Brendan Joseph piece, you’ll receive a credit equal to the cost of the materials that can be used to purchase any new piece from the current range, or towards commissioning a one-of-a-kind piece. If you send in a bow-tie with its box, you’ll receive EUR56, for a scarf you will receive EUR96, and for a Shawl you will receive 130-150 depending on whether we can re-sell the piece, or up-cycle it. If you send in a piece that’s more than five years old, you’ll receive a credit of EUR200.

Reach out to me as a comment to this article, a call, email or live chat to find out more.

We’ll be announcing more about this program in the coming days, but I just thought it was time to reveal it!