Our Studio Journal

Landscapes, Light & Love - FW Burton at the National Gallery, Dublin

The exhibition is entitled 'For the Love of Art', but could as easily be called 'For the Art of Love'. Burton's paintings are not only romantic in their aesthetics, but in their stories. The drama of love, or the lack of it, is played out in Burton's most important works: Slavic ballads of loveless marriages, people actually dying of broken hearts and forbidden romances all take prime place in his work.

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Art & Design Brendan Joseph Madden Art & Design Brendan Joseph Madden

Alexander McQueen Retrospective at V&A, London

British designer Alexander McQueen's work explored, mastered and subverted history, culture, craft & fashion. Famous for deeply relatable imagery and for being unafraid of bringing an audience on a dichromatic journey of dark and light, McQueen provoked imaginations, assertively juxtaposing the familiar with the alien.

““You’ve got to know the rules to break them. That’s what I’m here for, to demolish the rules but to keep the tradition.””

— Alexander McQueen

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